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Collectibles current offers a variety of fine art posters and
prints covering all areas of on-road and off-road transporation. |
- Planes
Aviation history is at the heart of this collectibles
area. Quality framed prints, collector photo sets and historic scale model aircraft from WW1, the Golden Age of
aviation (1920-1939), WW2, and Jet Age. Both military, civilian
and commercial aircraft are featured in this department of APT
Through a unique arrangement with the
American Aviation Historical Society, APT Collectibles is able to
offer back issues of the AAHS Journal, published quarterly
for almost 50 years |
APT Collectibles also
offers aviation history buffs the unique ability to add to their
own collections photos of unique and rare aircraft. These
are available in pre-packaged Collector Sets or can be
individually selected from our extensive library. Each
aircraft photo is identified on the back as to make, model,
general specifications, aircraft serial number of that particular
aircraft (if known) and year of manufacture.
- Trains
If railroad trains are your interest,
we offer a wonderful
collection of collectible quality prints of operating steam
locomotives. |